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Re: Development

Trespassing? What a curiously urban, East Coast notion. Never occurred to me.
PS: My thanks to the owner of the Orchard Bowl who never did post "No
Trespassing" signs; probably agains the advise of lawyers.

Terry Johnson-Huhta wrote:

> No doubt teaching your 4 year old son that is fine to trespass.
> Terry Johnson-Huhta
> ----------
> > From: Duncan Palmatier <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Development
> > Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 1:13 PM
> >
> > Dear Vision2020:
> > Dave Sarf's message was, indeed heart wrenching. Especially so for me,
> > because yesterday I went out to the "Orchard Bowl" to look at that
> > splendid bit of empty land, and to show it to my four-year old son,
> > Richard, and to describe how we would go sledding there this coming
> > winter . . .  As we came upon it, there were the bull dozers flattenning
> >
> > out the bottom, grading some slopes, and just generally tearing the land
> >
> > apart to prepare it for yet another of Moscow's subdivisions.
> > Pity.
> > Duncan Palmatier
> >
> >

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