The Emerging M-P Future
- To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <>, "Smart Growth" <>
- Subject: The Emerging M-P Future
- From: Ken Medlin <>
- Date: Sun, 24 Oct 99 23:08:30 -0800
- Resent-Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:07:37 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"lDNDND.A.2wE.VO_E4">
- Resent-Sender:
Spokane's "Area Economic Developent Council" has ambitions, and already
substantial influence, affecting a 200-mile radius which certainly
includes our 'twin cities', higher education, the infrastructures and
urban culture (cf. the WSJ piece 10-20-99). It's time that those who
prefer the quality of community life we now enjoy to make inquiries of
our elected and appointed officials, and of civic bodies like the
Chambers of Commerce, to report on records of all communications that
relate to future political and economic designs in the Spokane planners'
proceedings. Without such information, we will have little or no
opportunity to impact on what's coming down the pike. What could well
come down that pike, before we are given any choice, are things like --
1) loss of local banking systems thru regional and national mergers,
whose services will be practically beyond our abilities to influence --
our liquid assets and notes will be transferred to some distant bank
bureaucrat who's responsible to a board hundreds/thousands of miles away
which doesn't have any interest in our community.
2) "invasions" of mega-retailers a la Walmart and more eatery chains
on a scale that reduces home-owned enterprises to small niches in the
market place, or to extinction. Some of this is already taking place.
3) Conversion of hiway arteries into 'freeway tubes' for the
national trucking industry to bring us most all our goods and foods
(already well underway) -- ergo, complete dependency on exterior sources
of material life --, and gradual transformaiton of our small urban
centers into service stops for the big traders replete with overpasses
and byways that hum with the fevers of vehicles 24 hours a day.
4) Large scale migrations of people in-and-out of the area, some
displaced (or impoverished) because they haven't the skills or coping
abilities needed for the new life styles; others shipped in to run the
new systems installed by corporate bosses from some distant place.
Community becomes a makeup of unkown factors, unpredictable behaviors
(including sub-cultures -- have you heard about Spokane's struggle with
the gangs?). It doesn't HAVE to be.
And, all of the above entail increasing tax burdens for the average
citizen -- those who will control our lives do not give any free lunches
-- it's always pay more for more 'services' with less satisfaction.
Choose your menu: "Dial 1 for your balance, 2 for other services, 3
for....." Get the picture? Does anyone know if downtowns REALLY care
what happens to these two charming communities? Where is their
leadership? Who stands for quality of life?
These are only some of the changes that can be predicted. It has all
happened before, elsewhere -- why not here? I've been around for over 50
years as an economically active person and have observed first-hand these
outcomes of this usual kind of 'economic development' (the West Coast,
East Coast, MidWest, Southwest, and now the Inland Northwest). This is no
fantasy. The steamroller is gathering up steam and the strips are being
laid. Citizens can either lie down and take what comes, or they can get
educated on the issues, make their votes count, demand accountability
from all levels of officialdom, patronize preferred places of business,
embrace their spiritual foyers, and defend their homes and families. Who
is preapred to make the effort? Yours truly, Ken Medlin (World War II
vet -- I defended the America I knew and love). [PS: I am working on a
piece that includes this brief analysis and request that any sharing of
it by others attribute my reference]
William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843
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