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Gun thoughts

Good Neighbor, Loving Grandfather, "accidentally" kills young athlete.  The story was that the boy was with some friends stealing halloween decorations.  They had stolen  a ceramic bumpkin from this man's lawn.  He came out brandishing a gun, and it accidentally went off hitting the boy in the head.  Granted, the boy should not have been stealing lawn ornaments--he was doing so at his own risk.  But did he have to pay for it with his own life?  Granted the man has a right to protect his property, but did he have to use a loaded gun to make his point?  Now two families are shattered.  One boy is dead, a man will probably be charged with voluntary or involuntary  manslaughter.  And for what?  A ceramic pumpkin.  What a waste!
I am glad that Colt decided to drop their line of retail guns.  They will still be selling their antique style guns and a new weapon called the iColt which is supposed to be a smart gun that will  allow  ownly the owner to fire it.  This is a small step, but definately a step in the right direction, as far as I am concerned.
Did any one see the CBS report on the city that sold its surplus weapons through a reputable dealer only to have find them back on the streets?  I had to work that evening, and have tried to down load it off the internet, but cannot find a transcript on the site.
Interesting that the gun industry has hired the same public relations firm that handles the NRA account. 

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