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Drug Policy Forum Date CLARIFICATION

A helpful Visionary noticed an error in our previously
posted announcement on the Drug policy forum that will
be held next Monday evening at the U of I.

The following information is correct.
We regret any confusion this error caused, and thanks
to the list serve member that called our attention to

>  There is No Justice in the War on Drugs
>  The University of Idaho College of Law Chapters of
> the National Lawyer’s Guild  and the Minority Law
> Students Association present:
>  A forum on Drug Enforcement Policy
>  Featuring Nora Callahan, Executive Director of the
>  November Coalition, and Chuck Armsbury, former
> state
> and federal prisoner, Razor Wire staff writer and
> prisoner advocate.
>  DATE: Monday, October 25th
>  TIME: 7:00 p.m.
>  PLACE: University of Idaho: College of Law
> Courtroom
>  ADDRESS: 6th and Rayburn, Moscow, ID
>  For more information contact the Lawyer’s Guild at:
>  (208) 882-9030 or e-mail
>  Or Contact The November Coalition, at:
>  (509) 684-1550 or e-mail:


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