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Corridor Questions

Dear Visionaries,

I am a UI grad student currently enrolled in a policy analysis class 
under Dr. Jay O'Laughlin.  As a part of the class, we are each 
going through the steps of analyzing an issue that we consider to 
be of import.  I have decided to take a look at the Pullman-Moscow 

In order for my analysis to be as complete as possible, I need to 
be able to identify all possible stakeholders.  Thanks to the many 
insightful comments I have read on this mailing list, I think I am off 
to a good start, but the information I have collected is far from 
complete.  If you belong to a group (or know of a group) that has 
taken a position on the PMC,  I would really appreciate knowing 
about the it, as well as who to contact within that group for written 
position statements and/or any other corridor-related information.  I 
would also enjoy hearing from individual stakeholders and/or 
anyone who can point me in useful directions!

When this project is finished, I would be more than happy to share 
my results with anyone on this list that has an interest.

Thank you very much!

Teresa Kubo  

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