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Meet your City Council Candidates

Dear Visionaries:

You are cordially invited to attend the Moscow Chamber of Commerce's
Business Forum on Wednesday, October 20 at 12:00 p.m. at the University Inn
Best Western.  This will give you an opportunity to meet the candidates who
are trying to become your representatives on the Moscow City Council.  The
cost will be $8 per person for lunch, and you can pay at the door.  

The program will consist of a panel discussion with each candidate having
equal time to express his/her interest in serving as your representative on
the council.  There will be time for questions and answers from the
audience.  If you are interested in attending, please call or e-mail the
Chamber, so that we may get an accurate count for lunch.

Leann Bifford
Visitor Services
Moscow Chamber of Commerce
411 S. Main St.
PO Box 8936
Moscow, ID  83843
(800) 380-1801

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