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Local Bookstores and E-Commerce

Good for David Potter in deciding to support Book People again. I figure
this is an opportune time to get in a pitch for the Friends of the Library's
new "Best Sellers Club" program. Have you ever been frustrated when you
wanted to read a recently released book and it is not available at the
library for months because several people already had it on reserve? Why not
buy the book from Bob Greene at Book People? He'll give you a 20% discount,
if you mention that it's for the library's "Best Sellers Club." When you've
finished reading it, donate it to the library. They will make it available
immediately for circulation to share with others, and you can deduct the
contribution from your income tax. To honor you, there will be a bookplate
with your name on it installed in each book you donate. Talk about having
your cake and eating it too!

See, we are combining E-Commerce and Main Street here. Dave, I'm sure that
Bob would be happy to accept your orders via email so you would feel more
high tech about the whole thing.

Check it out at

Visit The Book People at

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