Netiquette Nazi...
- To:
- Subject: Netiquette Nazi...
- From:
- Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:40:36 EDT
- Resent-Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 11:41:17 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"9tCYy.A.bnF.0w4_3">
- Resent-Sender:
Considering the previous thread we had on "netiquette," I'd like to share my
own disgust with the list.
Can some of you people please quote ONLY the relevant parts of the post which
you are addressing? As my own general guideline, I think a quote should be,
at the VERY most, twice as big as the reply. Generally, the quote should be
smaller than the reply.
This may not be such a problem on Vision2020, but on many parts of the
Internet, people pay access charges for their phone time. When the post is
two lines and the quote is several hundred, that increases the detriment to
those parties. To the rest of us it just looks like you're a lazy slob who
doesn't care to take the time to edit his post.
Additionally, the wonderful, new words of wisdom contributed by the post can
easily get lost in all that quoted material. Usually a quote is indicated by
some character, like ">," but I've seen several styles of quoting that do
NOTHING to help the reader determine where original thought and default
computer vomit diverge.
And for best results, the quote should be placed BEFORE the additional,
wonderful thoughts which your post provides. If the quote is to serve as an
indication of what the actual post is about, it generally should come before
the new thought, in my opinion. I don't know that there is any general
"netiquette" quideline for this, but this is what I think makes sense.
And, some of you seem to have HTML crud coming along with your messages.
Certain e-mail programs will send this junk along with the e-mail. In many
cases it is MANY times longer than the regular material. I can read most
HTML, but I'm guessing most people can't and wonder what the hell the poster
is doing... I will do my part and send private e-mail to these people and
assist them in correcting this if they need to.
I often hear people mention a signal to noise ratio in reference to computer
communication. I don't know that I understand it correctly, but it seems to
me the noise on our little list could be reduced tremendously. (And I just
noted that the archive of messages includes ALL of this extraneous garbage.
Doesn't First Step donate all this to us? Shouldn't we be a bit nicer to
them? Maybe?)
Thanks for at least listening.
E. O'Daniel
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- - Cullen Hightower
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