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>Obviously if there is an actual name and only 
>one name in the "from" box then we know (or 
>assume we know) who sent the message. 

Just for clarification, not all mail systems allow a person to include their 
name in the FROM field.  However, I agree that all posts should have that, or 
a "signature" at the bottom.

>Vision2020 encourages new subscribers to provide a first and 
>last name when they sign up.  Readers can view this list of 
>subscriber names and the email addresses they map to at: 

And just to note here, the "who is listening" page did not ever accept my 
listing.  During the previous "identification" thread I unsubscribed and 
resubscribed twice I think, but never made it on the list.  I just 
unsubscribed and resubscribed (and the times on the replies indicate the 
system got them in the correct order).  The "who is listening" page doesn't 
have me, but I'm guessing it may not update that quickly . . .

I'm pro-gun, maybe that's the problem?  : )

E. O'Daniel

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