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RE: Identification

Vision2020 encourages new subscribers to provide a first and 
last name when they sign up.  Readers can view this list of 
subscriber names and the email addresses they map to at: 

Bill Moore

> -----Original Message-----
> From: G M []
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 4:21 PM
> To: Vision 2020
> Subject: Identification
> I vaguely recall the subject of "identifying yourself"
> being raised here awhile back.  It does seem
> reasonable in this forum to have the author of each
> post identify themselves.  Obviously if there is an
> actual name and only one name in the "from" box then
> we know (or assume we know) who sent the message. 
> But, for example, when there are two names attached to
> an e-mail address I don't know if Person A or Person B
> is the author.
> Please tag your posts with your name.  
> Greg Meyer
> =====
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