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Re: Sporting Guns

Date forwarded: 	Sun, 19 Sep 1999 20:54:08 -0700 (PDT)
From:           	"Wayne H Beebe" <>
To:             	"Vision 2020" <>
Subject:        	Sporting Guns
Date sent:      	Sun, 19 Sep 1999 20:58:32 -0700
Forwarded by:

> PC
> You said that while many countries have strict controls on handguns, many
> still allow sporting rifles.  I think if this was more widely known the
> NRA would lose some of its fear factor, at least in this part of the
> country.  Don't You?

ah! yes! lets bash the NRA.. do you know ANYTHING about the 
NRA? such as there exellent firearms programs for young childern 
(Eddy the Eagle Program, basic message, "if you find a firearm 
leave it alone and go get an adult") or there ongoing efforts to keep 
violent criminals IN jail? the ongoing effort to get the govt to enforce 
the laws already on the books? there ongoing efforts to help write 
inteligent fiearm law? I don't agree with everything they do, but we 
sure never hear about these from the main stream media, all we 
hear from them is "jack booted thugs" (BATF have a horrible record 
of getting wrong address for kick in warrents and so forth, and we 
won't even talk about Waco and Ruby Ridge)

find out what is really happening, then form an oppion.

> Thank you, Ry, for sharing the information about Project Exile.  I do
> agree we have to do more with the laws that we already have.  

can't argue that, if the feds had follewed there own laws, we would 
not have had the shooting in Springfield Oregon

> Still, putting more guns on the street in the interest of making a up a
> budget shortfall is unconscionable in my book.

"on the street" ah yes. that bugaboo, tell me, how many firearms are "on the street"?

does anyone KNOW how many firearms the MPD are dealing with 
in this dead?

> Your points about China and elsewhere are not germain to the topic, Nor is
> the item about swimming pools and helmets (although helmets would be a
> good topic in and of itself.)

ah the old "I don't like what you said because I can't refute it so 
there fore it is not releveant" gambit, sorry, don't work


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