Re: Sporting Guns
At 08:58 PM 9/19/99 , Wayne H Beebe wrote:
>You said that while many countries have strict controls on handguns, many
>still allow sporting rifles. I think if this was more widely known the
>NRA would lose some of its fear factor, at least in this part of the
>country. Don't You?
Not a bit. NYC went around and confiscated those hunting rifles after
saying they wouldn't for so many years. California is now beginning to
confiscate SKS from lawful owners. Confiscation is here, now, in America,
today. What part of that don't you understand?
>Still, putting more guns on the street in the interest of making a up a
>budget shortfall is unconscionable in my book.
I'm not sure anyone said it was a budget shortfall. However, resulting
lawsuits for fiscal irresponsibility was cause one, for sure.
>Your points about China and elsewhere are not germain to the topic, Nor is
>the item about swimming pools and helmets (although helmets would be a
>good topic in and of itself.)
I'll just point out that you again fail to respond to facts, and just
dismiss everything that rebuts your arguments. You're the one who mentioned
the rest of the world, ace.
Good night.
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
-- Gandhi
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