Re: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy
Date sent: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 20:42:48 -0700
> I think I saw this in Newsweek a couple of weeks ago. I will try to
> verify it.
ah yes, good old "we will never print a pro fiream story" Newsweek
(or was it Time, I forget), the media has done a wonderfull job of
distorting the facts on firearms (all that gore sells a lot of
magazines) but they refuse to print stories of firearms saving
someones life, thats what I call unbaised, even independant media
watch groups have come out and stated that on the issue of
firearms, the larges medias (major "news" magazines and TV) have
an abysmal record of being biased.
I read one in Time just last week, an issue a few weeks old, it was
quite obvious that the writter set out to write an anti gun piece, in
fact he all but came out and said so.
TV and radio stations and networks refuse to run ad's for fiream
groups of any kind, but they will run PSA that are patently wrong
with the numbers they use (NBC and there 10.2 million childern a
year killed by firearms PSA)
try going to the NRA web site for example, ( ) or the
Second Ammendment Foundation ( ), every month
they have a short collum of people who's save there won or others
lives with a firearm, but we never hear about this in the main stream
get some real information people. not media lies.
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