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Re: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy

I'm brand new to this board but find the discussions enjoyable.  I am
particularly interested in the gun control debate since I am a gun owner and
hunter.  I have read a book or two about the history of private gun
ownership detailing complex legal and ethical arguments, It seems clear to
me that all that is needed is common sense.  When "bad" guys have weapons
and the "good" guys don't, the bad guys win.  When governments have control
of the people, and the people have no way to defend themselves, the
govenments will become corrupt and take advantage of the people.
Unfortunately, this has been proven throughout the world's history.  For a
more contemporary example, studies show that where concealed carry laws are
introduced, violent crime rates fall.  Again, this is common sense.
Criminals know they are more likely to encounter an intended victim who may
be armed, so, they are less likely to commit random acts of violence.
Common sense dictates that the current rash of killings is not a result of
not enough laws, but rather a general weakening of the moral fiber in this
nation.  This is best illustrated by the response of Tom Brokaw on the "Late
Show with David Letterman" when Dave mentioned that there were just "too
many damn guns".  Brokaw pointed out that when he and Dave were kids guns
were readily available and the gun laws were much more lax, still tragedies
like the recent school shootings didn't happen.  What has changed in our
society?  Tougher gun laws, bans on assault weapons, weakening of the moral
code in society and a rash of terrible shootings.  So, would it make more
sense to increase gun laws or to try to increase moral teaching in America?
IMHO, Trav.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy

>At 12:28 PM 9/23/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>No, I don't buy that. I see a lot of adults drinking and smoking. I myself
>>eat meat and drink beverages with caffeine.
>Ok, as a member of a species that has advanced from sneaking up and
>poincing on plants to survive, I just have to ask:  What does meat eating
>have to do with it?  Since I know my place on the food chain and eat furry
>mammals, are you equating this with drug use?
>Inquiring minds want to know.
>Omnivore and proud of it   :)

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