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RE: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy

At 05:50 AM 9/19/99 , Philip Cooper wrote:
>I have been in the Armed Forces for the past 16 years and been involved
>in multiple operations.  My father is a decorated combat veteran of
>Vietnam and served for over 27 years.

"I'm elite and I should be armed. You're a peon who should be disarmed and 
treated with disrespect."

>handguns (hunting problem) and you will see the crime and
>deaths that involve handguns simply don't exist -- thus a significantly
>lower overall crime rate.

RIIIGHT. That's why violent crime has gone through the ROOF in Australia 
since they banned guns. Oh, yeah, and in Britain too... violent crime goes 
up and up, but they have very few guns. Meanwhile, allowing CCW in states 
like Florida and Texas has dropped crime.

Let me make this easier for you. DC, Chicago, LA, and NYC all essentially 
ban carrying or owning guns. They have really low crime rates, right? Oh I 
forgot, you're military elite who should be armed, not a peasant like the 
rest of us.

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
   -- Gandhi


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