Re: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy
At 08:47 PM 9/18/99 , Wayne H Beebe wrote:
> I do not appreciate my messages being picked apart the way you did.
" I do not like being shown that my positions are not supported by fact"
>In the gray market of the Gun Fairs many weapons are going fairly cheaply.
Used guns are always cheaper. Guns in demand are always more expensive. I
hear if you hang out near liquor stores in most states, you can get
handguns for $25 or $50. Does this mean guns are cheaper?
>As far as the suits against manufacturers and suppliers are concerned, that
>is what the tobbacco industry used to say too.
Funny, I just looked in the Constitution and I didn't see anything about
tobacco there.
>I would not consider Rwanda as a example of the rest of the world.
Why, because they're black? Or they're not in America? Which part of the
world are they a part of? If you're not happy with Rwanda, I'll point you
to Cambodia where most of the people died by torture or starvation. Or the
FSU where people died of being worked to death. Or China, where disease and
starvation did the work. Or are China, the FSU and Cambodia not a part of
your world, either?
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
-- Gandhi
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