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Monday, September 20,  1999	 		4:30  p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of September 7, 1999

2.	Accounts Payable for August - Jim Wallace

3.	Amendment of FAA Grant to Pullman/Moscow Airport - Dave 
Crown				(Consent Agenda Item #1F)
As explained in Crowner's September 16, 1999 letter (attached), on August 
6, 1999 Council approved a grant between the City of Moscow, City of 
Pullman and the FAA.  However, the project description omitted the 
acquisition of an emergency power generator.  FAA regulations prohibit 
reimbursement of expenditures incurred prior to the approval of the grant 
or for items not included in the grant description.  Therefore, the grant 
must be amended to include this item.

ACTION:  Recommend approval of the amendment; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

4. Stewart Stanton Curb Cut - Dean Weyen
	(Consent Agenda Item #1E)
Stewart Stanton has requested a variance from the City Codes for an 
additional curb cut at 1125 King Road in Moscow. Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance September 7, and 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Approve variance for the additional curb cut.

5.	Skate Park Bids - Roger Blanchard	
Bids were opened for construction of the Moscow Skate Park and three bids 
were received, as explained on the attached memo.  Parks and Recreation 
Department recommends rejection of all bids, and to ask for bids again in 
February after design refinement.

ACTION:  Accept recommendation; or take other action as deemed appropriate.

6.	Fee Resolution - Chris Bainbridge								(Council Agenda Item #4)
The attached resolution adopts fees for the City effective October 1, 1999 
as reflected by the adoption of the 1999-2000 budget.  Changes are shown 
via strikeout and underline.  Proposed fee changes were reviewed by the 
Public Works/Finance Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Adopt resolution as presented or with any changes the Council 
deems appropriate.

7.	Mountain View Road Water/Storm Sewer Change Order - Dean Weyen 
  (Council Agenda Item #1G)
	See the attached memo for Changer Order #1 in the amount of $17,970.00.

ACTION:  Recommend approval of change order and authorize Mayor's signature 
thereon; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

9.	Easement for Moscow School District #281 for access to White Avenue 
Property - Dean Weyen								(Council Agenda Item #3)
Moscow School District #281 has proposed a preliminary site plan for the 
development of the White Avenue site to be utilized as a location for the 
warehouse and bus garage.  Some issues have arisen regarding the 
differences in elevation between the White Avenue right-of-way and the 
property.  The architect for the school district proposes that the district 
be granted an access easement across a portion of the City's property 
adjacent to the animal shelter, and the site of the proposed dog park. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Approve granting of an easement to Moscow School District #281 for 
access across a portion of the City's property to the School District's 
warehouse and bus garage property under such conditions as required by the 
Council; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

Monday, September 20,  1999	                     3:30 p.m.

206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of September 13, 1999

2.	Contract Renewal - Regence/Blue Shield Health Insurance - Leslie Moss
Review Regent's Blue Shield Employee Health Insurance Rates for FY 2000.

3.	Surveying and Rating Bureau Results - Don Strong
The Fire Department was recently visited by the Idaho Surveying and Rating 
Bureau to gather information to determine a fire insurance classification. 
 The results of that visit are attached.

ACTION:  Accept report.

4.	Police Department Surplus Weapons - Dan Weaver		(Consent Agenda Item 
The Police Department has surplus and seized weapons which they would like 
declared all as surplus.  They have located a federally licensed 
out-of-state vendor who is willing to trade the seized and surplus weapons 
for new weapons which the Police Department would otherwise need to 
purchase. Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Declare the attached list of weapons as surplus and authorize the 
Police Department to trade for new weapons needed by the Department.

5.	Solid Waste Issues and Amendment - Jim Wallace 		(Council Agenda Item 
a. 	Curbside Recycling, Holidays - LSI, the Curbside Recycling Franchisee 
wishes to conform the list of holidays related to curbside collection of 
recycled materials to the holidays observed by the Franchise holder for 
solid waste in the City.
Action:  Recommend to reject proposed clarification of holidays or accept 
proposed clarification of holidays and authorize the Mayor's signature on 
the Franchise Contract Amendment and direct staff to take appropriate 

b.	Curbside Recycling Fee Adjustments - The formula for annual rate 
adjustment of fees for curbside recycling is currently based upon annual 
changes in the Producer Price Index.  The PPI contemplates changes in costs 
for the primary components of manufacturing operations.  Franchisee has 
requested that the PPI based formula be changed to a Consumer Price Index 
based formula because the CPI is a more reflective indicator of cost 
changes affecting Franchisee.  A change from PPI to CPI also requires a 
rate change to reflect an increase of two point two percent (2.2%) over 
current rates.
Action:  Recommend to reject ordinance or approve ordinance on first 
reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three (3) separate and 
complete readings and that the ordinance be read by title only.

c.	Solid Waste Agreement, Resolution on Conversion to Consumer Price Index 
- Currently, the annual rate adjustment of the fees charged by Latah 
Sanitation, Inc., to the City of Moscow is based upon annual changes in the 
Producer Price Index.  This index contemplates changes in costs for the 
primary components of manufacturing operations.  Latah Sanitation, Inc., 
has requested that this index be changed to a Consumer Price Index as a 
more reflective indicator of cost changes for their activities.  The 
attached Resolution and Solid Waste Franchise Agreement - Exhibit A, 
reflects the revised language for the conversion to the Consumer Price 
Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Contract changes, and direct staff to take 
appropriate action.

d.	Resolution on Solid Waste Franchisee Rates - The attached Resolution 
adopts the revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for various 
activities performed under the Solid Waste Franchise.  These rates reflect 
an increase of two point two percent (2.2%) over current rates, based on 
the annual change in the Consumer Price Index.  The attached Resolution and 
the Amendment to the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement - Exhibit I - Fee 
Schedule indicates the proposed rates for each service category to be 
effective October 1, 1999.

Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff 
to take appropriate action.

e.	Solid Waste Franchise, Resolution on Change in Base Annual Tonnage - The 
Solid Waste Franchise Agreement includes a provision for additional 
payments to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for volumes above a base level. 
 Initially, the base annual tonnage was established at 22,500 annual tons. 
 This amount has been increased over time to the present 26,000 tons.  The 
enclosed Amendment adjusts this amount to 28,000 base annual tonnage.

This base annual tonnage amount is intended as a measure of the volumes 
which can be processed for the amount of the annual operational 
reimbursement fee.  Volumes above this base tonnage presume that the 
increased volumes will require additional personnel and equipment to 
process the materials and thus the additional payments would be made during 
a contract year.

Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff 
to take appropriate action.



September 20, 1999		                                7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of September 7, 1999 City Council Meeting

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of August,
		1999 - Jim Wallace
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of 
August 1999 and recommends approval of the following:
General		391,601.04	
Parks & Recreation	539,860.26	
Arts	4,465.49	
Street	243,571.09	
Airport	0	

911	9,866.56	
Water & Sewer	192,336.34	
Sanitation	120,806.46	
Parking	2,275.70	
Bond & Interest	505.00	
LID Bond & Interest	13,625.00	
C.	Proposed Sign Ordinance - Dale Pernula
The Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission has been developing a new Sign 
Ordinance for more than a year.  A hearing was held September 8, 1999 on 
the attached ordinance, after which the Commission recommended approval. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 13, 1999.

ACTION:  Set public hearing on proposed Sign Ordinance for October 18, 

D.	Police Department Surplus Weapons - Dan Weaver
The Police Department has seized and surplus weapons which they would like 
declared as surplus.  They have located a federally licensed out-of-state 
vendor who is willing to trade the seized and surplus weapons for new 
weapons which the Police Department would otherwise need to purchase. 
Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Declare the attached list of weapons as surplus and authorize the 
Police Department to trade for new weapons needed by the Department.

	E.	Stewart Stanton Curb Cut - Dean Weyen
Stewart Stanton has requested a variance from the City Codes for an 
additional curb cut at 1125 King Road in Moscow. Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance September 7, and 20, 1999.

	ACTION:  Approve variance for the additional curb cut.

	F.	Amendment of FAA Grant to Pullman/Moscow Regional Airport - Dave 
As explained in Crowner's September 16, 1999 letter (attached), on August 
6, 1999 Council approved a grant between the City of Moscow, City of 
Pullman and the FAA.  However, the project description omitted the 
acquisition of an emergency power generator.  FAA regulations prohibit 
reimbursement of expenditures incurred prior to the approval of the grant 
or for items not included in the grant description.  Therefore, the grant 
must be amended to include this item. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance 
September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Approve the amendment and authorize Mayor's signature on same.

	G.	Mountain View Road Water/Storm Sewer Change Order - Dean Weyen
See the attached memo for change order #1 in the amount of $17,970.00. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 20, 1999.

		ACTION:  Approve change order and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.

2.	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Proposed Fee Increases, Water and Sewer - Tom 
The City budget for FY 2000 proposed a $1.00 per month increase in water 
and sewer rates.  The attached memo from Tom Scallorn, Moscow Water 
Superintendent, explains the affect of the rate increases and the proposed 
revenue anticipated from such increases.  Idaho Code requires that a public 
hearing be held in any case when water and/or sewer rates are increased in 
excess of 105%.

ACTION: Hold public hearing and approve rate increases for water and sewer 
services or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

3.	Easement for Moscow School District #281 for Access to White Avenue 
Property - Dean Weyen
Moscow School District #281 has proposed a preliminary site plan for the 
development of the White Avenue site to be utilized as a location for the 
warehouse and bus garage.  Some issues have arisen regarding the 
differences in elevation between the White Avenue right-of-way and the 
property.  The architect for the school district proposes that the district 
be granted an access easement across a portion of the City's property ad  
jacent to the animal shelter, and the site of the proposed dog park. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Approve granting of an easement to Moscow School District #281 for 
access across a portion of the City's property to the School District's 
warehouse and bus garage property under such conditions as required by the 
Council; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

4.	Fee Resolution - Chris Bainbridge
The attached resolution adopts fees for the City effective October 1, 1999 
as reflected by the adoption of the 1999-2000 budget.  Changes are shown 
via strikeout and underline.  Proposed fee changes were reviewed by the 
Public Works/Finance Committee September 20, 1999.

ACTION:  Adopt resolution as presented or with any changes the Council 
deems appropriate.

5.	Solid Waste Issues and Amendment - Jim Wallace - Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee
September 20, 1999.
a. 	Curbside Recycling, Holidays - LSI, the Curbside Recycling Franchisee 
wishes to conform the list of holidays related to curbside collection of 
recycled materials to the holidays observed by the Franchise holder for 
solid waste in the City.
Action:  Recommend to reject proposed clarification of holidays or accept 
proposed clarification of holidays and authorize the Mayor's signature on 
the Franchise Contract Amendment and direct staff to take appropriate 

b.	Curbside Recycling Fee Adjustments - The formula for annual rate 
adjustment of fees for curbside recycling is currently based upon annual 
changes in the Producer Price Index.  The PPI contemplates changes in costs 
for the primary components of manufacturing operations.  Franchisee has 
requested that the PPI based formula be changed to a Consumer Price Index 
based formula because the CPI is a more reflective indicator of cost 
changes affecting Franchisee.  A change from PPI to CPI also requires a 
rate change to reflect an increase of two point two percent (2.2%) over 
current rates.
Action:  Recommend to reject ordinance or approve ordinance on first 
reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three (3) separate and 
complete readings and that the ordinance be read by title only.

c.	Solid Waste Agreement, Resolution on Conversion to Consumer Price Index 
- Currently, the annual rate adjustment of the fees charged by Latah 
Sanitation, Inc., to the City of Moscow is based upon annual changes in the 
Producer Price Index.  This index contemplates changes in costs for the 
primary components of manufacturing operations.  Latah Sanitation, Inc., 
has requested that this index be changed to a Consumer Price Index as a 
more reflective indicator of cost changes for their activities.  The 
attached Resolution and Solid Waste Franchise Agreement - Exhibit A, 
reflects the revised language for the conversion to the Consumer Price 
Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Contract changes, and direct staff to take 
appropriate action.

d.	Resolution on Solid Waste Franchisee Rates - The attached Resolution 
adopts the revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for various 
activities performed under the Solid Waste Franchise.  These rates reflect 
an increase of two point two percent (2.2%) over current rates, based on 
the annual change in the Consumer Price Index.  The attached Resolution and 
the Amendment to the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement - Exhibit I - Fee 
Schedule indicates the proposed rates for each service category to be 
effective October 1, 1999.

Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff 
to take appropriate action.

e.	Solid Waste Franchise, Resolution on Change in Base Annual Tonnage - The 
Solid Waste Franchise Agreement includes a provision for additional 
payments to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for volumes above a base level. 
 Initially, the base annual tonnage was established at 22,500 annual tons. 
 This amount has been increased over time to the present 26,000 tons.  The 
enclosed Amendment adjusts this amount to 28,000 base annual tonnage.

This base annual tonnage amount is intended as a measure of the volumes 
which can be processed for the amount of the annual operational 
reimbursement fee.  Volumes above this base tonnage presume that the 
increased volumes will require additional personnel and equipment to 
process the materials and thus the additional payments would be made during 
a contract year.

Action:  Recommend to reject Resolution or adopt Resolution, authorizing 
the Mayor's signature on the Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff 
to take appropriate action.

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

Chris Bainbridge
City Clerk
City of Moscow
Voice (208) 883-7015
Fax    (208) 883-7018

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