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proceedings for the week of September 7, 1999

Week of September 7, 1999

Commissioners Samuel G. Duncan, Loreca J. Stauber, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session. The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPI025T due to   Sheriff unable to collect, moved out of state.

Signed and filed resignation of Alexander M. Hart as Part-time Irregular
Reserve Deputy. Table of Organization, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04F Line
08.  Effective August 28, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Dana Idol as Temporary Part-time
Irregular Deputy Clerk/Special Help.  Table of Organization, Auditor’s
Office, Department 01AA Line 07.  Effective September 2 through September
30, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to transfer Jason Kilborn within
department from Housekeeper to Maintenance/Mechanic I.  Table of
Organization, Buildings and Grounds Department, Department 05F, Line 06.
Effective October 1, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Dana Idol as Housekeeper.  Table
of Organization, Buildings and Grounds Department, Department 05F Line 03.
Effective October 1, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request by Connie Ferguson to reduce hours to 36
per week during the school year.  Table of Organization, Assessor’s Office,
Department 02A, Line 05.  Effective date September 1, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Timothy E. Drumm as Temporary
Part-time Irregular Maintenance Worker.  Table of Organization, Parks and
Recreation Department, Department 05G, Line 02.  Effective September 7
through September 30, 1999.

Signed and filed resignation of Daniel C. Brock as Tracker.  Table of
Organization, Youth Services/Juvenile Correction Block Grant, Department 08B
Line 01.  Effective September 1, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request for promotion of Jesse Lister to head
Tracker. Table of Organization, Youth Services/Juvenile Correction Block
Grant, Department 08B Line 06.  Effective September 1, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed request to extend Tracee Carter as temporary
Part-time Irregular  Receptionist. Table of Organization, Prosecutor’s
Office, Department 07 Line 12.  Effective September 1 through September 30,

Approved, signed and filed request to hire Jay Johnson as “fill-in”
Temporary Law Clerk.  Table of Organization, District Court, Department
01AA, Line 02.  Effective July 30, 1999.

Filed Public Defender Conflict hours for the month of August, 1999, as
submitted by D. Ray Barker.

Approved, signed and filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho College by
Justin M. Miller.

Approved, signed and filed Ordinance No. 206, an ordinance of Latah County
adopting Moscow Ordinance No.99-23 as provided for by the “Moscow Area City
of Impact Ordinance” (Latah County Ordinance No. 122), and establishing an
effective date for this ordinance.

Motion and Order to adopt Ordinance No. 207, an ordinance establishing
regular meeting times for the Latah Board of County Commissioners,
establishing rules and regulations for the conduct of such meetings and
repealing prior ordinance: changing the meeting times to Mondays, 8:00 AM to
5:00 PM and Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, effective September 13, 1999.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the HUD Disaster
Recovery Initiative Funds in the amount of $53,254.00 for HDRI-99-II-2 Latah
County Relocation Activity in Troy and Genesee.

A Public Budget Hearing having been held pursuant to Idaho Code 31-1604 at
10:00 a.m. on September 7, 1999 in consideration of the 1999-2000 Fiscal
Year Proposed Budget, the Budget was set at $10,180,881.00 which is not
greater than the amount of the tentative budget nor includes an amount to be
raised from property taxes greater that the amount advertised.  Minutes and
tape are on file in the Auditor’s Office.

Approved, signed and filed one year only, Solid Waste Fee cancellation on
Parcel Number RP41N05W322562A; due to home unoccupied and for sale.

Approved, signed and filed one year only, Solid Waste Fee cancellation on
Parcel Number MH39N05W229768A; due to hardship.

Approved, signed and filed one year seasonal rate, Solid Waste Fee
adjustment on Parcel Number RP42N04W055455; due to homeowner must winter
elsewhere because of health.

Approved, signed and filed permanent Solid Waste Fee cancellation on Parcel
Number MH38N03W234681A; due to only one home allowed on property.

Approved, signed and filed one year only, Solid Waste Fee cancellation on
Parcel Number MH41N04W176168A; due to home is not set-up and has no

Convened in Executive Session at 10:44 a.m. on September 8, 1999, to discuss
indigent cases, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1) (d). Adjourned at
11:03 a.m. Eleven (11) cases were approved, and one (1) case was denied.

Motion and Order to approve a Homeowner’s Exemption for tax year 1999 and
future years, for Parcel No. RPT1570006001A based on the property owner
signing the sales verification document in a timely fashion.

Motion and Order to adopt Employee Salary Scales for fiscal year 1999-2000,
effective October 1, 1999 for Administrative Offices,  Public Safety and
Department Heads.

Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of August
30, 1999.

Motion and Order to renew Standard Dental as insurance for Latah County
Courthouse Employees contract #517426 which is renewing for the period
October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000.  Current rates will remain for
renewal, no rate increase.

Motion and Order to authorize the continuation of Standard Life, AD&D and
Short Term Disability Insurance Contracts for the period October 1, 1999
through September 30, 2000 for Latah County Courthouse employees, funding is
available for this second contract year.

Motion and Order to authorize the Chair to send a letter to COBRA
Compliance, Inc. discontinuing COBRA contract.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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