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Re: 1912 MHS

Dear Walter, 

When you excerpt my e-mails, please do not change the meaning of my original

I said:

"More than a thousand people over the past three years have specifically
supported the renovation of the 1912 building with thir money, THEIR VOICES,

Walter, there are well over a thousand people who have been out there on the
hustings. There were 178 people who gave approximately $160,000 to buy the
building so that NOT A SINGLE tax dollar had to be ante-ed for that purpose.

However you feel about the project, I hope you will join in the ultimate
decision the council makes on this.

All the best, even yet,


At 08:22 PM 9/7/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 9/7/99 4:23:28 PM, writes:
><<Where have you been, Walter?>>
>Linda, due to my work with Moscow and other cities I fell it is necessary to 
>keep my opinions to my self as much as possible.  My late comments are only 
>due to Tony Johnson "outing" me at the August 30 meeting.  I'm sorry for the 
>short time frame for response but it was the best I could do.
><< More than a
>thousand people over the past three years have specifically supported the
>renovation of the 1912 building with their money >>
>Jim Wallace tells me the city received 178 donations for the purchase of the 
><<Your proposal for another 'public hearing' has already been answered on
>August 30 and again tonight on September 7.>>
>Neither the August 30 or tonight's meeting are public hearings.  When the 
>Mayor was asked on the 30th about tonight being a public hearing, he 
>specifically said "No."
><<There are thousands of people in Moscow over the years who have supported
>expansion of city services to include a community center. More than a
>thousand people over the past three years have specifically supported the
>renovation of the 1912 building with their money, their voices, their
>attendance at many public meetings and their signatures on petitions.>>
>Then my proposal to take the cost of annual operations to a bond issue vote 
>should not be a problem, right?

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