Re: Confusion
- To:
- Subject: Re: Confusion
- From:
- Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:39:31 -0700
- In-reply-to: <>
- Priority: normal
- Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:40:33 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"2MJW4.A.kLF.gFp13">
- Resent-Sender:
Subject: Re: Confusion
Date sent: Tue, 7 Sep 99 22:26:23 -0800
From: Ken Medlin <>
To: <>
> Your address was on a communicaton about CA behaviors here, as
I really hate to say it Ry, but we do see stuff like this when we get a
new semester of University (or even k-12) students, but mostly
University, more traffic accidents, students from, well, "parts of the
country (or world) where social values are diffent" to use a
euphemisim. (like a 3 car accident, all three with California plates)
it's unfortunate, but it does happen. none of us like it, but it does
tend to stop after a few weeks (which isin't going to help you at all)
I didn't know that some people consider California the whole
country, let alone "the world", I used the word "parts", not "part", I
used the cars accident as a prime example, I could have also used
the example of the Asian Student who I stopped to help on the
Moscow-Pullman highway who had there tire chains on on a clear
dry winter road, the chain had broken and wrapped around the axle,
(someone "joker" had told them to keep there chains on all the time)
or the BC drivers (and I spent 10 years living in Vancouver) who
have very poor driving skills (thats from the Insurance Corperation
of British Columbia, not me) etc etc etc. but a LOT of people in this
area see CA plates and give the drivers a wide birth, ever wonder
WHY people some people in this area give CA drivers a wide birth?
ever wonder WHY you hear so much "california bashing"?
Stan Evans (a Stranger here myself, a Canadian Refuge)
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