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Re: What is success?!

well... i am sorry to have caused such a debate! my intention was to make a
point about doing good things just for the privilege of having the chance to
do them. those of you who understood, appreciated it and that makes it worth

i too appreciate the facts on the matter but as previously stated the moral
of the story stands and has been proven true throughout world history. the
message is True... if i had changed the names to Tom, Dick, Harry, and Simon
the story might have been factual but would not have made the impact.

the question here is are you going to look for truth or Truth?! there are
many true statements that contain no Truth. i agree that ideally you want
both but i insist that Truth is more important than truth!!

now, i do not want to get into a battle here but why do you think that there
are 24000 different ways of believing in a man that told all of us to be
civilized and not kill one another? the different sects of Christianity are
a prime example of nit-picking the facts until you miss the Truth before

your brother in arms,


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Hoffmann <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: What is success?!

> At 02:21 PM 8/30/99 EDT, wrote:
> >Thank you for another item for my "Things I really did not need to know"
> >file.  The first story was much better.  I would like to believe the
> >remains the same.
> >
> >
> I'm with Melynda Huskey on this one.  "Things I really did not need to
> know" include smarmy but incorrect stories concerning historical figures.
> My mailbox fills with this kind of junk from well-meaning people who think
> that I will be inspired by such historical novellas.  The flip side of
> is that I sometimes receive bogus and inflammatory warnings about computer
> viruses that don't exist.  The Internet makes the proliferation of such
> trash so easy, that people often invent their own hoaxes--of the inspiring
> or panicking variety--just for the thrill of seeing their own fantasies
> circle the globe.  I am happy when people inform me of disinformation, as
> this decreases the chance that I will repeat it to others.
> The accuracy and quality of the information we receive through electronic
> media should be an issue of concern to Vision 2020 subscribers, and to all
> people involved with technology today.
> Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
> Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA
>            Phone: (208) 883-0642
>                                      Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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