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kill all dem predators!

Do you remember the Idaho initiative to ban 3 disgusting --but legal-- 
methods of bear-hunting a few years ago?

The opposition to that initiative focused on the Idaho Fish and Game 
Department's mandate to set hunting rules.  If the professionals in the 
department set the rules, they must be based in real science--or so went the 
argument against changing the rules.

Sad but true, any pretense that the department's rules are to be based on 
science has been shredded.  Kempthorne's new appointees to the Fish and Game 
Commission have thrown away the science and decided based on their own gut 
feelings to kill all predators (bears, cougar, etc) to boost populations of 
game animals (deer, elk, etc).  The commissioners are choosing to ignore the 
impact of habitat destruction, human encroachment, road-building, etc.

If you want more information on this situation or want to learn about Idaho 
groups supporting wildlife predators, see this newsletter below.


> >                       FRIENDS OF THE WEST NEWSLETTER
> >
> >President:  Stew Churchwell                              Date:  August 
> >1999
> >Vice President & Editor: Kathy Richmond
> >Secretary/Treasurer: Dave Richmond
> >
> >
> > The new Fish and Game Commission at its August 12 meeting ordered the 
> >of  Fish and Game to create a management plan to "severely and 
> >reduce the number of predators adversely affecting or that may adversely
> >affect big game, upland game birds, fish and migratory waterfowl and to
> >write legislation that would not require hunters to salvage bear meat."
> >
> > This recommendation from the new commission is preposterous!!  They are
> >attempting to increase the numbers of deer and elk by trying the old 
> >of eliminating all predators.  This is totally contrary to the Fish and 
> >'s own biologists' recommendations.  It looks like we now have a 
> >that is not only unwilling to listen to the biologists and stand behind 
> >own employees, but one which is willing to seize power into their own 
> >based on politics instead of science.  This is much worse that we even
> >anticipated.  We must put pressure on the commission to abandon these
> >outrageous proposals.  The commissioners need to be reminded that 75% of
> >Idahoans don't hunt and that predators are an integral part of Idaho's
> >wildlife community.
> >
> > Predators would never completely eliminate their prey sources.  Nature 
> >not work that way.  The problem with dwindling deer and elk herds is poor
> >habitat, not overpredation.  To go back to the dark ages with the goal to
> >eliminate all predators is ridiculous and the public should be outraged.
> >
> > However, the irony in this fiasco at Fish and Game is that it might
> >represent a golden opportunity for another initiative.  If the commission
> >implements their proposals, they will prove that they are not interested 
> >scientific evidence, but only politics.  The reason that we lost the last
> >initiative is that the people wanted the F&G Dept. to control decisions.
> >Obviously, they have proven that they can't be trusted to do what is best
> >for wildlife and I believe strongly we would have a GREAT chance of 
> >at the ballot box.  We'll see what happens.
> >
> >Annual membership contribution of $10 covers our postage and copying 
> >and is due in January of each year.  For new ideas, change of address, 
> >please contact Kathy Richmond, Editor, Friends of the West,  HC 67, Box 
> >Clayton, ID  83227-9702   e-mail
> >fowest@cyberhighway.net________________________________
> >Friends of the West is an organization that is dedicated to the 
> >and restoration of Idaho's native wildlife, especially predators, and 
> >habitat.
> >
> >
> >

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