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Re: Corridor car lot--on Moscow reply


Re:  "never say never"  I agree.  I didn't say never.  I did say not now.  
Re:  "wouldn't it be better to have a say"   Yes, I agree it would.  My point 
was that our say in the matter is to say "no" to the extension of utilities 
because that will:
	A.  encourage development to remain on the WEST side of the corridor--near 
pullman, rather than Moscow, because they will have to receive utilities/water 
from Pullman.
	B.  if A does not occur, then the businesses will have to finance the 
extension of the utilities 8 miles from Pullman to the border.  We lose 
revenue, yes.  but perhaps we have less development on our border.

Mike Curley

> From:          "John Murray" <>
> To:            curley@CYPHER.TURBONET.COM
> Subject:       Re: Corridor car lot--on Moscow reply
> Date:          Fri, 27 Aug 1999 08:24:25 PDT

> Mr. Curley:
> You have hit the nail on the head.  Other reasons for developing next to 
> Moscow are more practical.  "A" Street is dead-ended right at the Washington 
> line and contains both sewer and water connections.  "A" Street extended out 
> to Airport Road will connect just about where the Highway and Airport Road 
> meet.  That makes very nice alternative access for the area between the 
> Highway and an extended "A" Street.  The current land owner has named 
> Whitmore College in her will, and Whitmore would probably be very interested 
> in the revenue from sales of a subdivision.  Regarding your hesitation about 
> Moscow selling services to the area:  Never say never.  Let's say 
> development occurs.  Wouldn't it be better to have a say in the nature of 
> development and to recieve some compensation for it?  You are correct that 
> now is the time to begin conceptualizing the future of the corridor - 
> something that hasn't really happened to date.
> JM
> >From: "Mike Curley" <curley@CYPHER.TURBONET.COM>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Corridor car lot--on Moscow reply
> >Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 07:10:42 +0000
> >
> >Aside from all our worst fears, this appears to be the clarion call for us 
> >to
> >mobilize in Moscow for that which we could not accomplish in 
> >Pullman/Whitman
> >County--mainly making a difference in corridor development.  Someone (from
> >Moscow) please tell me this scenario is wrong:
> >
> >Corridor development will take place primarily at the eastern end (Moscow) 
> >of
> >the corridor.  Because:  Pullman folks will drive there because it is out 
> >of
> >downtown and just plain "new" and, more importantly, because developers 
> >will
> >want to be visible and available to all the west Moscow shoppers, diners,
> >students who visit the Palouse Mall, Wal-Mart, Applebees, Staples. If I 
> >were
> >locating a new car dealership, restaurant, retail store on the corridor, I
> >would sure want it as close to the Idaho border as possible.  I wouldn't
> >intentionally want to take sales dollars (and taxes) out of Idaho, but that
> >would be the net effect.  On the west end of the corridor there is very 
> >little
> >retail development now.  While that end would perhaps be more attractive
> >(economically) than other parts of Pullman or Whitman County in which to
> >locate, none seems as good to me as near Moscow.  And what will Moscow do 
> >about
> >that?  Why, sell them water so their businesses can sprout all over the
> >corridor.
> >
> >If that's inaccurate, let me know, and I'll stop trying to figure out what
> >business I can take out there.  Meanwhile, maybe we should be sure that our
> >city and county ELECTED officials understand clearly where we stand on the
> >corridor development issue--if Whitman County doesn't want to proceed in an
> >orderly and cooperative fashion, then let's help to insure that they 
> >proceed
> >with their development from the west end of the corridor--or let them run 
> >their
> >pipes out ten miles to service the businesses from which they will derive 
> >the
> >revenue.  I've heard it argued that Moscow should just charge more for the
> >water.  Well, NO, I'm not interested in that.  There were/are ways to 
> >develop
> >the area between Moscow and Pullman in rational, 
> >beneficial-to-business-AND-the
> >community ways.  It's their court, their goal, their net.  We brought the 
> >ball,
> >but they didn't want to let us play.  I suggest we take our ball and go 
> >home,
> >not let them buy the flippin' ball from us.
> >
> >Mike Curley
> >
> >
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