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RE: Corridor car lot

Hello all.  My name is Keith Russell and I wanted to send a message regarding the corridor and a course I am teaching this Fall entitled Society and Natural Resources (For 235).  As a class project, I have proposed to the class that we look at the proposed development of the corridor.  The class looks at social sciences, different units of analysis, and natural resources.  The class is large (n = 100) and can do some pretty good work.  Would think the press may be interested in this as well perhaps.    

In examining the corridor I want my students to 1) understand how communities respond to change, 2) the local organizations which materialize and get involved (i.e. non-profits (PCEI) and economic development groups), 3) local government and the lines of communication between gov - organizations - citizens, 4) look at the issue from a variety of social science perspectives (economics, historical, political , psychological, geographical), 5) apply social science tools to understand a phenomena (corridor development and interviews and a phone survey), and 6) uncover a variety of constructs in their analysis (sense of place, perceptions of landscape, community resiliency, economic development, "the walmartification of the world").  

Prior to the survey, teams are going to conduct a few initial interviews to develop survey questions under the broad social science headings listed above.  

First: I would love to have a list of key people to talk to about the issue--historical figures, commissioners, economic development people, people opposed, in favor, etc. etc.

Second: As the instructor, I would love to have any background information on the proposed development.  I know Tom at PCEI is the one to talk to and he is on my list (a reasonably hard person to pin down).  If anyone else has some info, I can be reached via e-mail address and phone below.   

Any ideas, comments, suggestions.       

Dr. Keith C. Russell
Post Doctoral Research Associate and 
Leader, Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Cooperative
UI-Wilderness Research Center
CFWR Room 18a
Moscow, ID 83844-1144
Phone: 	208.885.2269
Fax:   	208.885-6810

-----Original Message-----
From:	Priscilla Salant []
Sent:	Thursday, August 26, 1999 7:02 AM
Subject:	Corridor car lot

Can anyone give me the facts on how a car lot could have materialized
overnight on the corridor?  Perhaps the Whitman County Commissioners are
not legally required to formally approve the new development plan before
auto sales begin?

Before I express unwarranted outrage at the knot of traffic (as shoppers
tried turning left into the gravel pit at rush hour), can someone tell me
it was all a mirage?  Before I admit the foolishness of my sympathetic
instincts for the revenue strapped commissioners and property owners, can
someone assure me this is not an in-your-face, we won kind of move?

Surely I misunderstand what's happening in the corridor.  It can't be as
bad as it appears.

--Priscilla Salant

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