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Re: Leigh Robartes, Reluctant Bather.

At 01:01 PM 8/6/99 -0700, Tim Cook wrote:
>I have read much of the material on your "newsgroup" regarding the current
>(and hopefully last) dismissal of Leigh Robartes at KUOI.  I use
>quotations around newsgroup because I find nothing about the postings of
>Robartes's latest episode of entire KUOI staff irritation newsworthy in
>the slightest, nor is much of it accurate.....

There are people who are very willing to attack the character of Leigh
Robartes, and those people seem to have an amazing lack of character
themselves, as exemplified by the above posting from a person whose
acrimony towards Leigh is legend.

Many allegations were made, and many of the reputed acts would be
"actionable," but the fact remains that Loren Finn did not dismiss Leigh
for any of these acts.  He was dismissed for talking with people whom Loren
declined to identify, and for apparently not following some very minor

As for Leigh lying about whether or not he was fired, I assure you this was
not the case.  Because Leigh had a vacation scheduled for the time
immediately after his firing, he has been unavailable for comment.  This is
the sole reason I have not asked him about the facts in this matter, and
the reason I turned to others for their recollections.  At any rate, even
Tim Cook is unclear as to whether there were "firings" or "suspensions" or
what, although I'm sure he will be clarifying his statements in another

Leigh has not initiated any action in this situation since his dismissal.
As far as I know, he is out of town and not currently in touch with anyone
in Moscow.  Efforts on his behalf have been started by members of the
Moscow and KUOI communities.  They are efforts initiated by people who do
believe that Leigh has made a valuable and unique contribution to KUOI and
the community, and who would like to see this continue.

Robert Hoffmann
Alt-Escape Adventures
229 E. C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843
Phone: 208 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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