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Leigh Robartes, Reluctant Bather.


I have read much of the material on your "newsgroup" regarding the current
(and hopefully last) dismissal of Leigh Robartes at KUOI.  I use
quotations around newsgroup because I find nothing about the postings of
Robartes's latest episode of entire KUOI staff irritation newsworthy in
the slightest, nor is much of it accurate.  While it might be true as
stated in his exhaustive "resume" (masturbatorily posted on some local
travel agency's website called "Escape"; how's that for irony?) that he
has spent a lot of time lurking around at KUOI, generating navel-gazing,
ponderous, ramshackle and self-serving radio spots, Leigh Robartes is a
straight-up hack.

There is at least one reason why he hasn't yet won a Pulitzer or a Vic
Marrow or a Walter Cronkite award.  Simply put, these spots are shoddily
produced and biased politically (yet they're still amazingly dull
listening for all the smug, hand-wringing excitement he exudes making

Besides, why shouldn't the student radio station have students doing the
news?  The answer isn't for lack of effort, students have tried Leigh
drives them away.  Robartes behaves as if KUOI is his own fantasy
wonderland at which he can act like his usual passive/aggressive simpering
loser self, without fear of reprisal.  Then, when dismissal does
mercifully happen, in his typical childish fashion Robartes makes it out
to be political, a friggin' conspiracy, always.  He characterizes his
dismissals as free speech issues.  The only issues here is that Leigh (a)
made a great amount of staffers and volunteers uncomfortable and (b) his
"selfless contributions over a ten-year period" aren't worth it, nor were
they really selfless either, as they came at great cost to others.  This
cost has been the mere opportunity to do what Leigh has so bitterly hung
onto all these years.  This domination of the position is only as
impressive as it is pathetic, which is to say VERY MUCH SO.

The only free speech issue here is the KUOI Station Manager having
authority to chose his/her own staff, in this case Loren Finn.  Robartes
is so far left he's far right, resembling the same characters he rambles
on against.  Leigh Robartes is a hypocrite, a kind of poor man's Rush

Another inaccuracy throughout the postings I've read has been the notion
that Leigh has never been fired from KUOI.  To my knowledge this has
happened twice previously (once each by former managers Brent Anyan and
Scott MacLaughlin, respectively, in the early part of this decade, but the
distinction is not really germane, and it doesn't really matter).  I am
certain, however, dismissals (or, "suspensions," if you will - much like
Night of the Living Dead he just keeps coming back) would have happened
more frequently (if not more permanently) if other Station Managers had
done their job properly.  That former station staffer Fred Soandso
couldn't find any documentation of any previous "legal dismissal" means
nothing, because such records were not kept then.  I can speak from
experience because on one occasion I got to help break the news of his
dismissal to him.  Leigh Robartes is a liar.

One reason Leigh keeps getting dismissed is for a remarkable inability to
get along with others.  Ask Donna Rhodes about the time during a 1991 KUOI
news broadcast when a frustrated Leigh violently ripped a set a headphones
from her head, reducing her to tears and then calling her names afterward.
The guy starts trembling and shaking and yelling when confronted calmly
about areas he considers his domain, which, for he better part of a decade
has been whatever at KUOI he wanted;  his behavior remains unchecked
mostly because people for the most part fear him.  I wish Robartes were
AWARE of his effect on others and making a graceful exit for once in his
life.  Ultimately, however, Leigh Robartes is a jerk if not a head case.

My apologies to the mentally handicapped.

Or maybe the guy just needs a life.  Or, ANY life away from KUOI.

So somebody is having a meeting to discuss Robartes' situation...  You
might mention KZUU could use a news director of Leigh's particular skill
set (


Tim Cook

PS  I love the way the phrase "legal dismissal" and "due process" keep
getting thrown around within The Cult of Leigh case --it is (almost) as if
you really knew what you were talking about.

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