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Re: Computer Bank

Lori, Lori, Lori!

What happened to this idea? It's alive and well and being considered as I
write. Please contact Gary Reidner ASAP because the city is really
interested in a democratic information center.

Please let him know!!!

All the best,

At 09:47 AM 8/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
>The Latah County Library has expressed an interest to the City in
>maintaining a community computer room at the 1912 building.  There are
>grant funds available to help us do this, especially if we partner with
>segments of the community.  This idea came out of the community-wide
>retreat held last year and has been forwarded to the folks working on the
>uses for the 1912 building.  Does anyone know whatever happened to this
>idea?   Lori Keenan
>At 01:14 PM 8/1/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>>> Let me float an idea. If we had space, power, and net access, how many
>>> people would be willing to kick in to buy machines for an open-to-all
>>> computer lab? The machines I'm thinking of are the 333id's or the
>>> like. Each machine would cost about a grand with a NIC, monitor, and small
>>> UPS. It could be run on a pay-per-ability basis or for free, whatever
>>> trips the lifters. If we had volunteers to teach, classes in Works or Word
>>> or whatever could be run.
>>plus a place to run it, someone to administer it, someone to maintain it,
>plus power,
>>internet costs, paper, disks, etc etc etc.. 
>>and just in case anyone thinks I'm just a nay sayer.. the University 
>>has computer labs.. how about approaching them about non 
>>students (or school district students) on the same (ability to pay) 
>>basis? the infrastructure is already there. and some kind soul could 
>>administer the "permits" so the U doesn't really have to do any extra 

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