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Re: FW: Serial Cat Killer

At 02:43 PM 7/27/99 +0000, Mike Curley wrote:
>I hate to have you say it.  Yes, maybe it is a young person.  But maybe it 
>isn't.  The point is not that we dismiss them as suspects, but that we not 
>target them without any sort of confirming information.  If it were during 
>school would we say it is likely a university student?  But if it only
>happened on Saturdays would that make it more likely a younger person
because >they don't have school on Saturdays?  

One incident apparently happened last Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning
around East 8th and S. Adams.  It is possible for both juveniles and adults
to be roaming all night long, on any day of the year.

I asked the Chief of Police if they had developed a psychological profile
of the purpetrator.  He said they were currently working on this, but
couldn't release info until it was finished.

I tend to think it is more likely to be a younger person, but I am also
certain that no age group or sociological segment of society has a monopoly
on cruelty and viciousness.  The killer could be an 70-year-old
grandfather, or a 35-year-old house wife.  Or a computer programmer,
lawyer, doctor, factory worker, professor, short-order cook, newspaper
reporter, etc.  There are individuals in each of those avocations who have
been convicted of greater and lesser crimes than these.

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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