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Re: Corridor

In response (though none was requested):
The amount of traffic in the corridor is and will
remain a function of the amount of people living in
and visiting the area.  This is not a "build it and
they will come" proposition.  Adding lanes to the
highway and reducing access is primarily a safety
issue.  The threshold that DOT uses to begin
examining expanding a road is 10,000 trips per day. 
Currently, there are 15,000 trips per day on Hwy.
270.  The road needs some extra lanes, plain and
simple.  Development MAY increase traffic, but there
are other access points ('A' Street to Airport Road,
possibly paving Sunshine Road to the Old Moscow
Highway, etc.).  Highway expansion is an element of a
larger picture, not the reason for development. 
Let's keep our eyes on the forest, kids.
JM wrote:
> Mike,
> In a recent posting to V2020 you stated, "If the
corridor is opened for 
> development . . . .  there will have to be more
access points to the "service 
> road" than currently exist and there will be much
more traffic entering the 
> highway from those access points."  
> In last nights MDNews a WashDot employee was quoted
as saying in the present 
> preliminary design the existing 45 access points
would be reduced to eight.  
> More traffic probably, but allowing what ever
volume to move between the two 
> communities is my personal primary concern re any
development along the road.
> Walter Steed

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