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Date forwarded: 	Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:45:51 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:      	Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:40:03 -0700
To:             	Marc <>
From:           	Ry Jones <>
Subject:        	Re: propaganda and fact
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> At 12:24 PM 6/17/99 , Marc wrote:
> >At 08:33 AM 6/16/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >>Please close the gun-show loophole and the
> >>18-21 handgun loophole.  It will save lives.
> >Is this a wish or a fact?
> Clearly a wish. I can call up a list of people directly killed by the
> Brady Bill from the GOA website. No matter how they try, HCI et al
> cannot produce a list of lives saved.

considering what they use for number (a "child" is anyone from the 
age of 1 to the age of 25, ALL teen suicides are firearm deaths, 2 
21 year old Gang menebers who kill each other over a bag(or vial or 
what ever) of crack being "children" killed by firearms..) I'm kinda
suprise they can't come up with any numbers.. but we DO know 
that at least 6 police officers have been killed by people who were 
supposed to be in Jail under the Brady Bill, but were not 
prosecuted under the penelties as outlined in the Brady Bill 
(including the boy who shot up the school in SpringField Oregon, 
he was caught the day before with a hand gun, that is illegal. the 
federal prosecutor refused to prosecute, allowing the boy to
commit how many murders the next day)

how many lives did the Brady Bill save that day?

when are we going to start prosecuting the violations??? one of the 
best things the NRA does (and I am NOT a NRA memeber) is to 
try to get federal prosecutors to prosecute firearms violation, but 
the Justice dept and federal prosecutors refuse to prosecute, who 
is protecting the public interest there? and WHY is the Justice dept
refuseing to enforce the law?


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