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Re: (Fwd) Mail Delivery Failure.

At 01:01 PM 6/17/99 , wrote:
>the Justice dept and federal prosecutors refuse to prosecute, who 
>is protecting the public interest there? and WHY is the Justice dept
>refuseing to enforce the law?

At the risk of turning v2020 into a gun rights forum...

because many influential people would be in jail if they did. Wasn't it
Teddy's bodyguard who was caught trying to carry a bunch of guns into the
White House, and his prosecution just sort of went away? What about the LA
riots when all of the Hollywood types ran to the store to arm themselves,
only to be told about the waiting period? I bet they wish there had been a
gun show with a nice "loophole" in Beverly Hills that day.

"Guns will get you through a time of no mercy better than mercy will get
you through a time of no guns" --Ayoob
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
  -- Mahatma Gandhi

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