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re: Gun Legislation

>Is it completely crazy to push for gun 
>control in Idaho? Is it incompletely crazy?

"Gun Control" - Yes.  

Disclaimer - I'm very pro-gun.  And very pro-responsibility.  (Isn't it crazy 
anyone must assert that they are "pro-responsibility".  Oh well, welcome to 
the USA.)

That said, "gun control" is a phrase with tremendous emotional implications.  
(Just like "assault rifle.")  The pro-gun side sees it as "gun prohibition."  
The anti-gun side asserts that it means only reasonable restrictions - 
denying that elimination of guns is an ultimate goal (and for many - most? - 
elimination IS the goal).  I think any legislation presented as "gun control" 
is doomed to failure in Idaho.

>I am not familiar w/ the current laws on gun ownership in Idaho.

Then WHY do you presume we need MORE law?  Please research the current laws.  
And please remember law, by itself, does very little to prevent people from 
doing what they want to do.

I'm not saying more law isn't any kind of possible answer, but that we should 
examine what we are trying to actually prevent and how we go about it.  
Millions of minors possess and use firearms in a completely lawful manner.  
Possession of firearms doesn't cause violence.  The problem is that some 
minors (and majors) decide that violence is the Right thing to do.

If you are sincere about proposing new legislation, please carefully consider 
the actual need and the actual effects.  We've got too many laws that do 
neither.  "Gun control" legislation usually lives on emotion and not reason.  
(Example:  "assault rifle" ban will seriously reduce crime - when in reality 
the vast majority of crime is committed with firearms other than "assault 

And please remember that in a free society, some people WILL choose to abuse 
their freedom - no matter what.  I can't quote the source, but Freedom is the 
one thing you cannot have without giving it to all others.

(And along those lines, everyone heard about the abuse heaped upon SUVs 
because they are such large, menacing machines and cause more people to be 
injured and killed in accidents.  Today, firearms.  Tomorrow, SUVs.  Next 
week, everything sharper than a butter knife.)

E. O'Daniel

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