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re: Gun Legislation

	It s about time some one other than me thinks with common sense instead of
jumping on a band wagon that is getting very old.  A gun by itself does
nothing it's the person behind the gun that you have to worry about.  Like
they say "if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have them".  I think its a
sad thing that we think that all guns need to be regulated, I have been
using and colecting guns most of my life and never have I once used it in a
unsportsman way.  I just wish I could say the same for others.
Robert Moore

At 08:22 PM 4/29/99 EDT, wrote:
>>Is it completely crazy to push for gun 
>>control in Idaho? Is it incompletely crazy?
>"Gun Control" - Yes.  
>Disclaimer - I'm very pro-gun.  And very pro-responsibility.  (Isn't it
>anyone must assert that they are "pro-responsibility".  Oh well, welcome to 
>the USA.)
>That said, "gun control" is a phrase with tremendous emotional
>(Just like "assault rifle.")  The pro-gun side sees it as "gun
>The anti-gun side asserts that it means only reasonable restrictions - 
>denying that elimination of guns is an ultimate goal (and for many - most? - 
>elimination IS the goal).  I think any legislation presented as "gun
>is doomed to failure in Idaho.
>>I am not familiar w/ the current laws on gun ownership in Idaho.
>Then WHY do you presume we need MORE law?  Please research the current
>And please remember law, by itself, does very little to prevent people from 
>doing what they want to do.
>I'm not saying more law isn't any kind of possible answer, but that we
>examine what we are trying to actually prevent and how we go about it.  
>Millions of minors possess and use firearms in a completely lawful manner.  
>Possession of firearms doesn't cause violence.  The problem is that some 
>minors (and majors) decide that violence is the Right thing to do.
>If you are sincere about proposing new legislation, please carefully
>the actual need and the actual effects.  We've got too many laws that do 
>neither.  "Gun control" legislation usually lives on emotion and not
>(Example:  "assault rifle" ban will seriously reduce crime - when in reality 
>the vast majority of crime is committed with firearms other than "assault 
>And please remember that in a free society, some people WILL choose to abuse 
>their freedom - no matter what.  I can't quote the source, but Freedom is
>one thing you cannot have without giving it to all others.
>(And along those lines, everyone heard about the abuse heaped upon SUVs 
>because they are such large, menacing machines and cause more people to be 
>injured and killed in accidents.  Today, firearms.  Tomorrow, SUVs.  Next 
>week, everything sharper than a butter knife.)
>E. O'Daniel

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