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Re: communication (was "Moscow suicide)

Actually, I think the appropriate person to release this information was
the police or the coroner, after consulting with the family. The school
district did a good job of informing their students and parents, but it
isni't their responsibility to make the public announcement.


> From: Leo E. Ames <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: communication (was "Moscow suicide)
> Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 3:16 PM
> I always appreciate your considered comments, Lois, but I don't think a
> "community relations officer or public relations person" is needed to
> answer some basic questions from a media editor such as Diane Petit, or
> place the phone call later, nor a "PR student" in an unfunded internship.
> hope we don't put too much emphasis on finding a person or filter-layer
> between the professionals in law enforcement and the media. A PR student
> (unfunded intern) is best used in facilitating positive relations before
> anticipating an act, not in interpreting after a disaster. "Spin
> isn't what's needed at that time. It's direct communication between
> experienced professionals.
> 	Obviously, I tend to agree with Bill London's concern. Of course,
> we all make mistakes in judgement and most often will be second-guessed
> proportion with the severity of an incident.
> 	I may be misperceiving your intent, Lois; in any case I'll read on.
> 	...Leo Ames
> 	,,,Moscow
> >The reason that there was no press release issued or other communication
> >with the public is probably (my opinion) because there is no one in the
> >district with that as their primary responsibility. There is no
> >relations officer (or public relations person). While there may be
> >who take on that role from time to time, my undertanding is that is not
> >their primary responsibility, and on Tuesday afternoon, everyone was
> >enough with their primary responsibilities, and doing a darn good job at
> >that.
> >
> >With the district budget requiring a cut in staff, it is doubtful that
> >we'll see a community relations officer added to the budget any time
> >
> >The parent advisory committee at the high school tried to find a public
> >relations intern from one of the universities for this spring, but did
> >get a response to our request. I believe we are still looking for one in
> >the fall. If anyone knows a PR student who would like an unfunded
> >internship, have them contact me.
> >
> >Lois Melina
> >
> >
> >*****************************
> >Lois Melina
> >Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
> >P.O. Box 9362
> >Moscow ID 83843 USA
> >1-208-882-1794
> >orders: 1-888-882-1794
> >fax: 1-208-883-8035
> >Email:
> >
> <>

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