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RE: recycling

My feelings exactly. We're living under the rule of the garbage Gestapo.

Timothy S. Hillebrand, Ph.D.
Synergetics International

-----Original Message-----
From: John and Laurie Danahy []
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 1:20 PM
To: Vision2020
Subject: recycling

I have been recycling in Moscow for many years.  I support the program we
have had.  I feel everyone should be recycling, and those who don't should
be required to pay higher waste fees.  That said, I find the new curbside
program to be worthless.  I have just finished reading the "instructions"
and I will not participate.  It is extremely inconvenient, muddled, and
costs too much.  I do not understand why I am being required to pay more for
such a useless program. I was not asked, or given an opportunity to vote on,
this hidden tax increase.


John and Laurie Danahy

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