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Re: Post from Rep. Tom Trail

> this bothered some of the conservatives who
>wanted a
>Republican stamp on the legislation.
When these kinds of "frustrations" -- no matter which side of the aisle 
they come from -- stand in the way of what's best for our children and 
for the State of Idaho, it tells us that some very dedicated work lies 
ahead in trying to build bridges of genuine understanding, based on good 
information and a desire to "move forward", between these forever warring 
factions, often predicated on narrow personal partisanship. It's clear 
from the opinion polls taken over the past few years across the Nation, 
that the general public is sick and tired of the party bickerings, 
jockeying for positions, and pure nonsense that goes on in politics, 
while many of the Nation's crucial concerns go unattended. Public 
cynicism is at an all time high, and it is time for serious, well meaning 
politicians, among whom you and a few others count, to bring a wholesome, 
breath of fresh air into the fray. I very much appreciate your candid 
response to the question and look forward to more of the same. Our 
communities can only benefit!  Thanks again. W.K. Medlin

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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