Re: Post from Rep. Tom Trail
- To: "Tom Lamar" <>, "Moscow Vision 2020" <>, "Shirley Ringo" <sringo@house.state.ID.US>
- Subject: Re: Post from Rep. Tom Trail
- From: Ken Medlin <>
- Date: Wed, 17 Mar 99 23:21:20 -0700
- Resent-Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:16:48 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"Vwjg1.A.d4.LhK82">
- Resent-Sender:
>In reflecting back on the need to improve reading scores
You and your colleagues deserve many thanks for these improvements in
Idaho's educational policy. They will surely help. At the same time, the
best and most extensive research on child development, dating since the
ealry l920's, tells us that children's greatest intellectural growth
occurs from at least two years of age through to about six. These are the
years when reading readiness ought to begin along with other
cognition-building activities. It's very sad indeed that the House Ed.
Committee withdrew the proposal on creating a state-wide network of early
reading centers that would have launched new efforts at overcoming
reading handicaps. Remedial reading after ages 6-7 cannot fully recover
the losses due to developmental deprivations in previous years. Those of
us who serve the elementary grades for correcting reading disabilities
see some progress, but it's often problematic. As you were absent at the
Ed. Com. hearing on March 12, I mailed a copy of my deposition on these
relationships to your Capitol address and hope that you received it.
>From an economic investment perspective, one has to question whether the
new legislations will be the most cost-effective, in light of the
research findings and experience we now have about child development:
Where will the dollars do the most good? If some parents oppose
government-school "interventions into parents' rights", as some of your
colleagues contend, then we ought at least to allow them a choice, for
the sake of the children and their future prospects in an increasingly
competitive society, about enrolling their children in a pre-school,
since kindergarten is not obligatory. Some parents provide good, early
nurturing experiences for kids, but many others do not. Perhaps next year
you can take another look at this issue. Thanks for your efforts. W.
William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843
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