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Re: wondering

>Someone (s), it seems to me, will have to be in a decision-making 
This question and other comments you make are certainly appropriate, but 
for me they come too early in the group's experience. Organization needs 
to grow out of the patterns of interaction that were already underway. 
The first meeting set a pretty good tone and agenda, with tasks agreed 
upon which need to be reported back at the next meeting. I would like to 
see a few trial efforts at news focus, editorial comment and  broadcast 
followed by community feedback, and then assessment of what happened. No 
matter that the 2020 list is now unmanaged -- things will sort themselves 
out thru experience and self-selection. Keep it wide open for now; why 
try to restrict participation at the outset?  
   We need an agenda for the next meeting, which ought to include the 
report-back on each assignment. Then work on next steps to implement the 
trial baloon before elaborating on tough, possibly conflictual issues 
before any track record is made. Each of us can send agenda items to Bill 
as convener, and go from there.  Ken M.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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