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Re: Challenge to 2020, Skate-Park Donation Idea

Bob and others,

I merely dropped a five-dollar bill in a container at the Farmer's Market
this summer. I'll pledge $50 for the skate park.

Susan Palmer

To: Vision 2020 <>
Subject: Challenge to 2020, Skate-Park Donation Idea
Date: Friday, March 12, 1999 11:15 AM

First, to Mr. Gill and others concerned about identity, I am Bob Marr or
proudly Mr. Karen E. Marr! I assure you the lack of name on earlier posts
was an oversight that I did not catch until days after my second post. My
computer is about 450 miles away near Twin Falls so I do not get to respond
in a very timely manner. Hopefully those that know me know I: stand by
anything I say or write, respect other opinions, and do not hide from
anything. Besides, how anonymous can I be with a name like Marr!

On my way back to Moscow, while stuck in road construction, an idea came to
me that can hopefully satisfy both sides of the skate-park issue.

I hereby challenge the subscribers of this list to each pledge a
substantial (more than pocket change) donation to the park. I think this
list can fairly easily reach $2000.00 in total pledges and would like to
shoot for at least this amount. Once all pledges are in (say 2-3 weeks?),
we ASK the skaters for an appropriate amount of community service, i.e. 1
clock hour for every $100.00. We can leave the service to them or make
suggestions. I am not even interested in oversight, I know and trust
several of the kids involved in this project and know that if they agree to
work 20hrs for $2,000.00 for the park, they will. 

Respond to this list with your pledge and what you feel is an appropriate
ratio of time/dollars and any suggestions for community service you might
have. I will make the first pledge as an example:


Bob Marr $100.00      1 hr/ $100.00     Suggestion, Learn basic first-aid 


In 2-3 weeks, depending on interest, I will print the list and deliver it
to the skaters and post here the (city or bank) address to send checks.

One interesting note here. I spoke with two skaters involved in this
project recently. When I mentioned "community service" it was received as a
bad thing, equated to the "community service" a person might get as the
result of a crime. This is not what we usually mean by community service!
Parents, Teachers, and others near youth need to make it clear that
community service is a good thing that many people do without being asked
and without (monetary) reward. Examples include: Learning CPR, being a
volunteer, planting trees, clearing trails, cleaning public parks, reading
to young children at the library, church or school, helping and elderly or
disabled neighbor with house or yard work, visiting a shut-in, tutoring a
younger person etc. It is not punishment!

Again, I only get to my computer about twice a month so be patient for a
response. If you need more speed feel free to call, I'm in the book (R.W.)


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