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Office Depot

Might this not also happen with TWO discount office supply stores?  I would 
hate to end up with none. As to additional retail establishments, I would 
prefer a Home Depot to an Office Depot. The rumor around the teenage 
community was that it was going to be an "Old Navy" so the teens too are 
disappointed.  I can't see how an Office Depot adds anything to our 
community, but then I've thought that about Jack-in-the-Box, Wendy's, etc. 
and they all seem to be thriving. 

Karen Olstad

>The fact that there were two rinks, is probably why they didn't survive. We
>could probably support one in the Moscow-Pullman area, but not two.
>Mayme Trumble
>I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.

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