Mountain View Road.
The tragic accident on Mtn. View Road was so sad to hear as the reports
of the event swept Moscow today. I really hope the city will make every
effort to finish the road work, as when I drove it recently to watch the
basketball games at the Junior High School the last few weeks I was
scared to death to drive on it in the dark and the traffic on it at the
time. I was also afraid of persons walking along side the road whom you
could not see at all.
Also a side effect of the one-way traffic of Mtn. View between White
Ave. and Troy highway is that people are driving (and driving very fast)
in front of the Eastside Marketplace. I know because I work at Safeway
and I've watched cars go past our entrance (where elderly and children
are usually not looking when coming out) and go right out to the
highway. They act like as if it is a street. Who can I contact to see
how we can get that section of road open for two-way traffic? This is
another accident waiting to happen next..
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