Re: Mountain View Road.
At 08:10 PM 2/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Also a side effect of the one-way traffic of Mtn. View between White
>Ave. and Troy highway is that people are driving (and driving very fast)
>in front of the Eastside Marketplace. I know because I work at Safeway
>and I've watched cars go past our entrance (where elderly and children
>are usually not looking when coming out) and go right out to the
>highway. They act like as if it is a street. Who can I contact to see
>how we can get that section of road open for two-way traffic? This is
>another accident waiting to happen next..
>Rod, I lived in Moscow when that was a two way street. Pulling onto the
Troy Hiway (south from Mountain View) was impossible and deadly. I'm sure
this was why the city/county made this one way and it actually makes good
sense. Dan Schmidt
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