Donations for city projects
- To:
- Subject: Donations for city projects
- From: Linda Pall <>
- Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 02:17:39 -0800
- Resent-Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 11:58:05 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"gPctCB.A.eJH.2mF12">
- Resent-Sender:
Dear Visionaries,
I have been interested in the discussion of donations to the skate park and
not knowing how to follow through.
Help is at hand! You can always send a donation to Jim Wallace, CIty
Treasurer, City of Moscow, PO Box 9203, Moscow, ID 83843 or bring it by the
CIty Hall Annex at FOurth and Washington during business hours. Put on your
check and in an accompanying note that you want the donation used for the
skate park. Your donations to the City for these purposes are tax deductible.
I also want to encourage those interested in the Dog Park proposal to
consider doing the same... Just send your contribution (any amount will
help) to the same address with your purpose indicated. My new pups, Count
Basie and Ella Fitzgerald, will personally (dog-ally?) give you 'a-paws' and
In fact, send two donations to these worthy projects!!!
I wish the City had endless money but we do not. The generosity of citizens
in making projects like the 1912 revitalization project, the swimming pool,
the linear park along Paradise Creek connecting to the CHipman Trail
realities is so welcome and impressive. Moscow cares! I think we need to add
the skatepark and the dog park to these successful efforts. The kids have
done wonderful work so far (and they need to keep it up). The proponents of
the dog park have worked hard, too. With community support plus city
cooperation and funding, these projects can be enjoyed in the near future!
Thanks, in advance, for your support!
All the best,
Linda Pall
Moscow City Council Member
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