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Friday, February 26 workshop on diversity and cities

Dear Visionaries,

On another interesting (I hope) topic, I thought you might want a special
invitation to Friday's workshop on cities and diversity issues in the
Pacific NOrthwest, sponsored by the National League of Cities, the National
Black Caucus of Local ELected Officials, the CIty of Moscow and others. It
is open to all without charge at the UI College of Law. Hope some of you can
attend some of the day at the law school. Here's the schedule:

Northwest Cities and Opportunities for African Americans: 
A Networking Workshop for Municipal Leaders

Friday, February 26, 1999, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
University of Idaho College of Law, Moscow, Idaho

The National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials with the National
League of Cities, the City of Moscow, the Association of Idaho Cities and
the University of Idaho College of Law cordially invite you to the first
Pacific Northwest Regional Training for black elected officials and for all
who are interested in promoting diversity in municipal activities. This
one-day workshop is an opportunity to network and exchange perspectives and
ideas on a variety of topics of interest to all who are involved in policy
making and administration of programs in and for Pacific Northwest cities
from the largest to the smallest. 

Workshop Schedule

Friday, February 26

8:30 A.M. 	Workshop Registration, College of Law Foyer, University of Idaho
                No charge

9:00 A.M.	Welcome, Introductions and Keynote
		Keynote speaker is Dr. Les Purce, Vice Provost for Extended University
Affairs at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Dr. Purce is a
distinguished leader in higher education whose background includes being
mayor of Pocatello, Idaho, the first African American mayor of an Idaho
city. Dr. Purce has a unique and compelling perspective on the progressive
role African American citizens can play in municipal activities and the
value of their contribution to the future of diverse communities in the
Pacific Northwest.

10:30 A.M.	Hiring, Keeping and Promoting African American Personnel.
	A panel of personnel specialists will discuss resources, successful
strategies, challenges and opportunities in managing a diverse civic workplace.

12 noon Lunch Break -- on your own.

1:15 P.M.	African American Leadership in the Pacific Northwest
	How can cities and towns be the incubators of civic leadership and "first
stops" for talented black elected officials? This panel will address how to
survive in a world where African Americans are minorities but NOT
marginalized. The panel will examine strategies for enhancing mutual
support, coalition building, and recognizing opportunities in cities from
volunteer boards and commissions to employment to running for office.

2:45 P.M.	Economic Development and Diversity: how the pie can be diversified
and enlarged. This panel tackles the necessity of successful encouragement,
recruitment and support of new small scale minority businesses to 'grow' a
city's local or neighborhood economy. Business planning, mentoring,
micro-banking/lending, marketing and other municipal support strategies will
be part of the discussion.

4:00 P.M.	Adjourn

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