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Geese and Ganders

---Robert Probasco <> wrote: (snip)
>  I often
> encounter overgrown bushes and voluptuous shrubbery which forces me
> the sidewalk.  A former DN editor ignored direct requests to trim his
> huge shrubs on D street, and a current city council member could help
> Russell school kids and drivers by improving visibility at a corner.

This issue of enforcing the ordinance on obstructing vision at Moscow
intersections is an intriguing one.  I believe strongly that, much as
the city should be required to plow city streets before forcing
residents to clear their own sidewalks, the city should likewise not
make citizens tear down fences or trim back shrubs on their own
property until the city itself applies the "visually safe" concept to
all the intersections in town.  This would mean eliminating countless
parking spaces downtown and elsewhere that, when occupied, force
motorists to creep out into crosswalks and beyond to see oncoming
traffic.  Very unsafe!

If the city is willing to do that then I have less of a problem with
them imposing their notion about safe intersections on private citizens.

Greg Meyer

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