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Re: Sidewalks; was: Ugly Things Do Not Please

Phil C wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Cooper <>
To: Robert Probasco <>; <>
Cc: Vision2020 <>
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Sidewalks; was: Ugly Things Do Not Please

Bob, agree completely with you.  There should be a standard and when
someone's property detracts from that standard (either in community
appearance or safety) it needs to be addressed in an appropriate manner.
Of course, you will get the typical knee-jerk reaction from lots of
liberals that your are "violating my rights!"  Cheers!


Sam sez:

Perhaps, re above.

The other side of "rights" in our system of government, is responsibility to honor the rights of others, but my
experience in local government was that this concept was not cited often by those vocalizing for the record in
public meetings.

We do need local ordinances and enforcement thereof to preserve and protect overall public
wants/needs/sensibilities while maintaining some respect/consideration for the rights of individuals.

Therefore, a sidewalk program is a must, not an option.
overall public

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