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Re: Wren House property

Dear fellow Visionaires,
Near the top of the list of Good Things About Moscow has always been that 
one could walk from any part to any other in a reasonable time.  I love 
to do just that, although from time to time I like to stop and just sit 
for a moment; get out of the weather if I have need.  In most cases 
that's easy, if I'm going past downtown or the university, but in the 
case of strolling from Eastside Marketplace region toward the west, the 
bustling of the traffic gets wearing, and I've often thought that there 
should be a little cafe (ironically) or at least a gazebo, a bench, and 
some greenery around what is being called the Wren House Property.  I 
never knew about the Wren House before this, and I'm sorry I missed it.  
I like wrens, too.  Couldn't that area use a nice, big, sheltering tree 
of some sort, a sort of "homage" to the Wren House?  Add a little place 
to dry out and sip from a thermos cup, and that end of town won't look 
quite so unfriendly anymore.

Moss Valentine

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