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Re: Health Notice, bookstores

At 07:22 AM 1/13/99 -0800, Lois Melina wrote:
>I do support Bookpeople, but the reality is that places like Bookpeople
>can't support authors like me. I write for a small market and Bob has a
>small store. Like most bookstores, he can only stock titles that he expects
>to sell, no matter how much he might like me or my books. While he can and
>does order books for everyone, the consumer has to first know what he or
>she wants to buy.

I admit that I have not lived in Moscow the past few years, but I doubt the
world has turned topsy-turvy.  Bob Greene always stocked the Bookpeople with
the books he thought worthwhile, not the books he thought would have a quick
sale.  It is the Barnes and Noble / Borders megastores that equate the value
of books with their immediate sales potential.  Not Bob Greene, nor the
majority of independent book dealers.  

At the Bookpeople, I always found new and interesting books -- the books I
never would have known that I wanted to buy.



Lou Sternberg, Ph.D.             (208)343-0555
5017 Bel Air           
Boise ID 83705-2777

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