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(Fwd) The Newsmakers

For those of you who are interested, here is some further 
information about the "drug dogs."  Maybe there will be an 
informed discussion.  Maybe it will be mostly rhetoric and 

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------Date:          Thu, 
t Subject:       The Newsmakers

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 8 AM, CHANNEL 6 (in the Treasure and Magic Valleys)

"The Newsmakers" will address the new Canyon County sheriff's program
that brings police dogs in parking lots of shopping centers, event
centers, and like places to sniff parked cars for drugs. 

Featured will be criminal defense attorney Tom McCabe, ACLU of Idaho
Legal Committee member, and Canyon County Sheriff George Nourse.

Yes, it's early, but set your VCRs - privacy rights and the war on drugs
always make for an interesting discussion!
Mike Curley
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