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comprehensive plan for Moscow/Latah County?

One of the issues that surfaced at the Moscow Community Retreat in June 
was the idea of a comprehensive land-use plan for Moscow and Latah 

Dan Kemmis (the keynote speaker) noted that his hometown of Missoula had 
just finalized their city/county comprehensive plan after 5 years of 
public involvement and planning.  That plan was designed to preserve 
both open space and quality of life.  Achieveing that community 
consensus was not easy, but doable.

At the Community Retreat small group discussion (in the economic 
development group) the issue surfaced again, and found considerable 
support.  That group voted that the first priority need for this region 
is a comprehensive city/county land-use plan.

With a redirected Latah County Commission, such a plan is now a 

So, the question is: do we need/want a comprehensive city county plan?

Moscow has a plan, Latah County has a plan, even most of the small 
county towns have plans.  Do we need a comprehensive plan that looks at 
the entire county?  Do we need to involve our citizens in planning?
Do we need to concern ourselves with the future of the remaining farm 
and timber land in the county?  Do we need to discuss how/where this 
county will grow in population?


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